A Romantic Rendezvous 2024 / by J.M. Adele

Thank you Brisbane and Sydney!

It has been some time since I bathed in the glory that is the book world. The cliché goes that absence makes the heart grow fonder. It’s a cliché for a reason. It holds some truth.

Thanks to the Australian Romance Readers Association (ARRA), I got to dive back in as A Romantic Rendezvous kicked off in Brisbane with Sydney following hot on its heels.

Thank you to the wonderful committee of ARRA for organising a brilliant event, year after year. Thank you to the authors who make these events so much fun and who share their wealth of knowledge on writing, publishing, and finding our readers. A big thank you to author, Clare Miles, for bringing Channing Tatum and taking photographic evidence of our meeting ;P. And finally, to all the readers who come for a chat, or to get a book signed, you are absolutely the best. You are the inspiration behind the muse.

Thank you.

This coming weekend (16th and 17th of March) the ARRA is doing it all again in Melbourne and Perth. Please go along and support this fantastic association and their authors.

